
Meet Your Designer

Hey, my name is Monique Clarke and I am a Graphic designer, Web Designer and Content Creator. My aim as your brand stylist is to personalize your brand’s experience so that you can attract your ideal client, make more sales, boost productivity and look good doing it too.

Our Goal

Is to provide support to small businesses and entrepreneurs who are truly ready to take their business to the next level. Our ultimate goal is to provide excellent service, resources, Tips and DIY tutorials that will encourage the growth of small businesses. We want to help you build a meaningful and sustainable brand.

My Online Experience

It has now been 4 years since I got introduced to the digital world and although it was challenging I do appreciate the knowledge and experience I acquired over the years that has now help to improve my confidence and most important, my skills. I am a creative person by nature and I love all things that allows me to express and show off my creative side.  


The Very Beginning

When I started my online business, I started out as a virtual assistant, offering a wide range of services in administrative tasks, transcription services, social media management and more. Even though I was earning for some reason it felt like something missing. So, I decided to take a break just to figure out what I really wanted my brand to be about and how I could help small business owners grow their business while doing what I loved.

So, Fast forwarding to 2019, I decided to switch my focus to something that I was more passionate about and as such was more aligned with my purpose. I am a creative person and I a lover of art and design and so the very moment I learned how to create graphics and build websites, I was got so excited.

In 2020, I decided to re-brand, from Virtual Solutions Expert to Mo Creative Ink. A creative space for small business owner and entrepreneurs to grow and strive.

Join me on this journey to success.